Course curriculum

    1. Introduction by Koray Kaplan, MBA, CC [email protected] +90 (545) 827-4021

    1. Overview by the Founder and CEO of T-LAB Timur Veysel Doğruok

    1. Course 1: History of FAT Grafting, Adipose-Related Terminology, Cannulas, and Mechanical Preparation of FAT: Microlyzer

    2. Course 2: Modified Emulsified FAT, Step by Step Microlyzer Protocol Video by Pr. Guy Magalon, Stromal Vascular Fraction: Cell Composition, Mixtures, FAT, Indications, Conclusion 1, and Conclusion 2

    3. Q & A with Pr. Guy Magalon

    1. Course 1: Platelets, Publications, Technical, and Biological Review

    2. Course 2: Biological Parameters to Characterize PRP, Biological Classifications of PRP, Scientific Recommendations, How to Follow Recommendations, and Remedex

    3. Course 3: Step By Step to obtain PRP by Using T-LAB PRP Kit by Dr. Jeremy Magalon, Remedex Real World Evidence Registry, Near Future of PRP Therapy, and Conclusion

    4. Q & A with Dr. Jeremy Magalon

About this course

  • Free
  • 9 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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